

Painless Procedure of Tooth Extractions at Dr. Negar Mazhari Clinic

​​When Dr. Negar has gone through all other methods of restoring or saving the tooth, extraction is the only option left.Indubitably, removing tooth from the bone of the jaws is quite painful process, but patients will not undergo dental trauma if they opt for this dental procedure at Dr. Negar’s Dubai based clinic. Her expert and skillful team is competent enough to perform the same procedure in painless manner. 

Tooth Extraction Methods

After administering local anaesthetic, the tooth is numbed and loosened using a device called an elevator. This technique is also known as simple extraction or forceps extraction. After that, a professional team will use forceps to extract the tooth.

In cases where a tooth has not yet erupted through the gums or broken off at the gum line, a surgical extraction may be necessary. This procedure is commonly used to extract wisdom teeth. After numbing the area and making a little incision in the gum, oral surgeons can remove a severely damaged or impacted tooth.


So, seek your appointment today online by visiting www.drnegarmazhari.com

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