

Keep Teeth Healthy with Dental Fillings

One of the operations that helps restore damaged teeth to normal shape and function is dental fillings, and many people consider this to be the finest option to restore teeth that have been damaged. Since the fillings seal off the area, bacteria are less able to get in and cause more decay. Dental fillings involve the removal of damaged tooth structure, cleaning of the afflicted area, placement of the filling material, and final polishing.
When filling cavities, dentists may utilise a variety of materials.  Which filling is appropriate for a given patient is typically determined by considerations such as repair extent, which mouth area filling is required, medical history of patients regarding allergies to particular materials, and cost.

Different Kinds of Fillings

  • Amalgam Filling

    Amalgam fillings are corrosion-resistant, long-lasting, and budget-friendly because they mix silver, tin, copper, and mercury. The darkness of these fillings makes them ideal for usage in the back teeth.

  • Composite Fillings

    These fillings are utilised when a natural appearance is essential, and are made of acrylic resin and other glasslike particles. They're great for minor repairs, but they stain readily from beverages and cigarettes. They wear out quickly and need to be replaced more often than other fillings.

  • Gold Fillings

    Gold fillings are created to order and set into place since they are the best and most expensive filling material. Gold inlays, often called gold fillings, are aesthetically pleasing and can last for more than 20 years with proper maintenance. Multiple trips to the dentist are usually necessary while getting gold fillings.

  • Porcelain Inlays

    Porcelain fillings, commonly known as onlays, are custom-made in a lab and glued to the cavity. The fillings are stain-resistant and aesthetically pleasing because they blend in with the tooth's natural colour. Gold fillings and porcelain fillings are similarly priced.

TIn most cases, a skilled dentist like Dr. Negar can do a dental filling in only 15-30 minutes. Patients from all over the world come to see a dental surgeon in Dubai because of his or her stellar reputation for excellence in the field. In addition to her formal training, she attributes her rise to prominence among Dubai's dental specialists to the clinic's cutting-edge facilities and the availability of cutting-edge tools and technology.

So, for getting the best results, knock at the doors of Dr. Negar’s clinic.


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